Conveniently located throughout Melbourne and Gippsland

No referral needed

If you’ve injured or experiencing persistent pain in the shoulder and arm, especially when doing certain movements like lifting over your head, you’ve come to the right place.

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Suggest ultrasound.

Rotator tear imaging | action rehab
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Sling immobilisation if following trauma. Followed by graded strengthening of the clavicle.


The clavicle is a group of four small muscles that originate from the shoulder blade and merge to form a common tendon that wraps around your humerus. Tears to the rotator cuff are quite a common injury to the shoulder. They have a very important role to aid in motion and stability of the shoulder.

A majority of tears are intrinsic in nature, meaning they happen over a long period of time and are closely related lifestyle factors such as smoking, diabetes and long-term heavy, overhead work. Less commonly, the rotator cuff can tear traumatically in an accident such as a fall.

Symptoms of a rotator cuff tear can vary depending on the type and extent of the injury. Pain is generally in the front  or side of the shoulder and can radiate down the arm or into the neck. Most pain will be caused with overhead lifting, particularly half way up through you range of motion. In severe cases, people will have a symptom called ‘pseudoparesis,’ where the person has a complete inability to lift their arm.

Action rehab - shoulder dislocation - rotator cuff tear


Diagnosis of a rotator cuff tear requires the combination of a thorough physical examination, detailed history and review of any imaging that you’ve had. Other conditions can masquerade as a rotator cuff tear and a diagnosis cannot be made without these three aspects of your presentation. The shoulder requires a thorough physical examination by an experienced therapist, once the diagnosis is complete, a treatment plan is prepared to get you back to the things you love.

Call us on 1300 762 227 for an appointment, or schedule an appointment online by clicking the button below.

Our Physiotherapists and Occupational Therapists have extensive knowledge and experience in assessing, diagnosing, treating, and managing your hand and upper extremity – your shoulder, elbow, wrist, and hand – injuries or conditions, so you know you’re in good hands.

The hand therapists at Action Rehab are experienced in the assessment and treatment of shoulder instability. With a reputation endorsed by sporting organisations like the Melbourne Football Club, Action Rehab is the smart choice for treating your shoulder instability.

Get on the road to recovery, so you can do the things you love.


Shoulder massage therapy | action rehab

Conservative Approach

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Shoulder massage therapy | action rehab

Surgical Approach

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Shoulder massage therapy | action rehab

See below the two treatment approaches for a patient who has shoulder instability.

Fig 1:  Basic Treatment

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Shoulder massage therapy | action rehab

Fig 2:  Action Rehab Treatment

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Shoulder massage therapy | action rehab

To Book Call Us On 1300 762 227

Call us on 1300 762 227 for an appointment, or schedule an appointment online by clicking the button below.


Rotator Cuff Tear is complex and can lead to serious complications and frustrations if not treated appropriately.

Choosing the right hand Therapist starts with them being able to read your X-rays and then fabricate the right brace for you. The therapists at Action Rehab are experienced in assessing and reading X-rays.

Our therapists do regular GP and Emergency Doctor training and can advise on the most appropriate action for your Rotator Cuff Tear treatment.

Known for providing treatment for Rotator Cuff Tear and other hand, wrist, elbow and shoulder injuries Action Rehab are the hand therapists that Melbourne trusts.

To make an appointment, enquire, or find your closest location call us on 1300 762 227 or schedule an appointment online.
Shoulder bursitis treatment melbourne | action rehab


Rotator Cuff Tear is the most common injury seen at Action Rehab. Rotator Cuff Tear is a common sports related injury and Action Rehab are experts in sports trauma.

Rotator Cuff Tear is caused by a ball or a force to the end of the finger while a person is trying to straighten it.

Rotator Cuff Tear takes about 6-8 weeks to recover but depending on the type of mallet (fracture or not) it may take longer. Weirdly Rotator Cuff Tear injuries without a fracture take longer to heal.

No generally Rotator Cuff Tear does not require surgery and in some cases surgery can make it worse. Action Rehab therapists can assess the X-ray and can advise if your Rotator Cuff Tear injury needs surgery.

Rotator Cuff Tear can be a serious injury. You should always see a Hand Therapist if you have a Rotator Cuff Tear injury because they are much more complicated than you think.

No it will not go away. It will get worse. You will get a Swan Neck deformity and possibly arthritis if you do not treat it. Treatment is always required with Rotator Cuff Tear.


Action Rehab provide assessment and treatment for all conditions relating to the upper limb, including shoulder instability. Come and see our highly qualified and friendly staff today at a location convenient to you.